Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Do You Want to Get Well?

All over the world people are STILL experiencing the miraculous healing power of Jesus Christ. In North and South America reports of cancer and massive tumors are INSTANTLY disappearing when people call upon the name of Jesus. Diabetes, blindness and deafness, arthritis, chronic back problems, cystic fibrosis, etc all going away through the power of Christ. In Africa there are accounts of paralytics and cripples miraculously standing up, walking, then running jumping and dancing before the Lord who healed them. There are also reports that people are being delivered from evil spirits in Africa. Even in China Christs healing power is seen where there have been numerous eye witness accounts of people rising from the dead all by the power of the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.

Jesus can, desires to, and WILL do the same for you TODAY! In John 5 Jesus asks a man who had been paralyzed for almost 40 years what seemed to be a foolish question; "Do you want to get well?" What kind of question was that? The man had been bed ridden for decades! Of course he wanted to be healed. But you see the problem was that this man kept making excuses. After this man went on a rant about how everyone got their blessing before he could, how he cant do anything, and no one would help him Jesus simply looked at him and said, "Stand up and walk." and thats exactly what he did.

Jesus wants to heal you right now wherever you are, whatever you need. All you need is the power of a willing healing savior(which you already have)and faith. Jesus often responded to those who were healed, "your faith has healed you", or "as you believed, so it will be done unto you." Reach out in faith and receive your healing. Christ commanded his followers to pray for the sick. Thats exactly what I want to do. This blog is created so that you can receive your healing right NOW! Simply type your need as a comment to this post and I will pray for you. WHEN Jesus heals you, please feel free to leave another comment sharing what the Lord has done for you.

God bless!

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